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Cost Savings: Study 3

In 1985, the U.S. Navy's largest engineering field division, Atlantic Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Norfolk, Virginia, conducted an independent study to determine the value of using the RediCheck review process. The study included 52 separate projects reviewed over a period of several months using the RediCheck system. The Atlantic Division Engineering Command analyzed the discrepancies discovered during the RediCheck review process, calculated the direct cost it would have taken to correct the discrepancies in the field during construction, and made the following determination:

"The Navy saved $1,300 for every hour
invested in the RediCheck process"

The Return on Investment was over 2,500%

The U.S. Navy was so impressed with the benefits of RediCheck that in 1986 the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) directed its utilization to all major field divisions. The RediCheck system is still employed by the Navy and saving the United States government millions of dollars every year.